Alcuni moderni eccellenti nelle arti loro
A cura di Flaminio Gualdoni 20 Feb - 12 Apr 2025 Genova ABC-ARTE is pleased to announce its upcoming group exhibition, a project that brings together four artists: Tomas Rajlich, Jerry Zeniuk, Marco Tirelli, and Salvatore Cuschera. Through painting and sculpture, they explore the value of art-making, understood as a physical gesture, technical knowledge, and, at the same time, conceptual research. In... Read more -
curated by Luca Bochicchio with curatorial contribution by Sharon Hecker 27 Mar - 24 May 2025 Milano The idea behind the exhibition is to explore the plastic and visual tensions that emerge from the wall—from the
symbolic surface of the panels—toward expansion and the exploration of space. From the slightly fractured twodimensionality of the early wall reliefs, with a look at drawings and studies, the exhibition moves to the large friezes
and the solid, multi-material panels, which stand as true mural sculptural complexes.
The increasingly monumental dimensions of these reliefs, which inevitably engage in a dialogue with archaic classical
architecture, are counterbalanced in space by a select number of fully three-dimensional sculptural forms, chosen
specifically for their communicative force as signals that cut obliquely through space: wedges, arrows, shields,
In this progressive conquest of space and the sign’s assertion of meaning, a key motif emerges in its full symbolic
depth: the cuttlefish bone, understood both as a primordial plastic material and as a symbolic sub-fossil remnant. The
exhibition title, De-Rive, plays with poetic and literary references to sea shores, evoking the changing forms, shifting
layers of signs, and shadows on wet sand, of which the cuttlefish bone becomes an extension offered to the human
Among the other key themes explored in the exhibition—analyzed in a critical essay by Sharon Hecker (art historian,
curator, and internationally recognized expert on sculptural techniques)—is Pomodoro’s nomadic approach, as he
moves across different sculptural techniques and materials, bringing them into dialogue through a shared visual and
sculptural language.
A bilingual publication by ABC-ARTE Edizioni will be produced, featuring original texts and a rich selection of
documentary materials curated in collaboration with Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro. Read more
Chiara Crepaldi & Melania Toma 30 Jan - 21 Mar 2025 Milano ABC-ARTE is pleased to present the dual exhibition Metamorphoses by Chiara Crepaldi and Melania Toma, featuring critical contributions by Domenico de Chirico and Flaminio Gualdoni. Read more -
Ingrid Floss, Paintings
28 Nov 2024 - 8 Feb 2025 Genova ABC-ARTE is pleased to present the solo exhibition dedicated to Ingrid Floss, which will be held in Genoa from November 28, 2024, to January 18, 2025.
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Zach Harris, Karma Kloud
curated by Domenico de Chirico 7 Nov 2024 - 18 Jan 2025 Milano The first solo exhibition in Italy of American artist Zach Harris, titled Karma Kloud. The project was made possible in collaboration with Perrotin Gallery. The exhibition will be accompanied by a bilingual publication, produced by ABC-ARTE editions, featuring critical essays and a rich documentary section.
Karma Kloud will be on view from November 7 to January 18 at our Milan location, ABC-ARTE ONE OF, Via Santa Croce 21, Milan. Read more -
Nanni Valentini. Altre trasparenze, altre terre
Curated by Flaminio Gualdoni 26 Sep - 21 Nov 2024 Genova ABC-ARTE is pleased to announce a new exhibition dedicated to the work of the great artist from Pesaro Nanni Valentini , under the title Different transparencies, different clays . The exhibition institutes a critical dialogue between two fundamental aspects of that work and their profound connections. On the one hand... Read more -
Michele Zaza, Spazio arborescente
Curated by Flaminio Gualdoni 19 Sep - 25 Oct 2024 Milano ABC-ARTE is pleased to announce a new exhibition by Michele Zaza, entitled Spazio Arborescente. Through a complex and all-embracing exhibition installation, the artist intends to explore the complexity and depth of his artistic language, creating a dialectic between the celestial and the terrestrial. In Zaza's works, space is permeated by... Read more -
Zè Tepedino, Fresta
Curated by Domenico De Chirico 6 Jun - 14 Sep 2024 Genova ABC-ARTE is pleased to announce Fresta , the first solo exhibition in Italy by the Brazilian artist Zé Tepedino (*1990, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), curated by Domenico de Chirico . The opening in Milan will take place on Wednesday 5 June , followed by the opening in Genoa on 6... Read more -
Zè Tepedino, Fresta
Curated by Domenico De Chirico 5 Jun - 14 Sep 2024 Milano ABC-ARTE is pleased to announce Fresta , the first solo exhibition in Italy by the Brazilian artist Zé Tepedino (*1990, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), curated by Domenico de Chirico . The opening in Milan will take place on Wednesday 5 June , followed by the opening in Genoa on 6... Read more -
Luca Sára Rózsa. Secrets
curated by Domenico de Chirico 9 Apr - 1 Jun 2024 Milano ABC ARTE is pleased to announce the first solo exhibition in Italy of the young Hungarian artist Luca Sára Rózsa entitled 'Secrets', curated by Domenico de Chirico. Continuing the path undertaken about twenty years ago, alongside international masters of the twentieth century linked to the Neo-avant-gardes, started ab origine in... Read more -
Mario Schifano. Correre rapinoso attraverso le cose del mondo
curated by Alberto Salvadori 15 Feb - 1 Jun 2024 Genova ABC-ARTE celebra uno dei più importanti artisti italiani, Mario Schifano, attraverso un approfondito ed esaustivo percorso fotografico e pittorico.
Tramite un nucleo di 93 fotografie originali e 29 monocromi, la mostra allestita da ABC-ARTE nella sede storica di Genova con appendice autonoma nella sede di Milano, ABC-ARTE ONE OF, accompagna gli spettatori in un percorso totalizzante, arricchito dalla proiezione di un corposo materiale multimediale composto da rare diapositive e fotografie.
Nella sede meneghina il percorso sarà più intimo ed introduttivo, nella sede genovese i visitatori avranno l'opportunità di immergersi completamente nell'opera dell'artista attraverso una selezione più ampia di lavori. Read more -
Mario Schifano, Correre rapinoso attraverso le cose del mondo
curated by Alberto Salvadori 8 Feb - 6 Apr 2024 Milano ABC-ARTE celebrates on of the most important Italian artists, Mario Schifano, in an in-depth and
exhaustive survey of his photographs and paintings.
A nucleus of 93 photographs and 29 monochromes in the exhibition in the historic ABC-ARTE gallery in
Genoa, with an autonomous appendix in the ABC-ARTE ONE OF gallery in Milan, will guide the visitors
through a totalising survey, enhanced by the projection of a mass of multimedia material composed of rare
slides and photographs.
The route in the Milanese gallery will be more intimate and introductory, while in the Genoese gallery
visitors will have the opportunity to immerse themselves completely in the work of the artist with a wider
selection of works. Read more -
Tomas Rajlich. Golden Times
26 Oct 2023 - 13 Jan 2024 Genova, Milano ABC-ARTE pays tribute to Tomas Rajlich (Jankov, Czech Republic, 1940), an artist internationally acclaimed as one of the most influential figures in European painting, with whom the gallery has been collaborating for years without a break. Read more -
Hermann Nitsch. Cathartic Aversion
Paintings, Actions, Relics and Musical Scores 1962 - 2020. Curated by Flaminio Gualdoni 26 May - 7 Oct 2023 Genova, Milano HERMANN NITSCH CATHARTIC AVERSION. Paintings, Actions, Relics and Musical Scores 1962 - 2020. curated by Flaminio Gualdoni. ABC-ARTE pays tribute to a major protagonist of the contemporary scene, the main protagonist of Viennese Action Painting, with an in-depth and comprehensive documentary exhibition in its historic gallery in Genoa, with a soon autonomous appendix in the Milanese gallery, ABC-ARTE ONE OF. Read more -
Ugo La Pietra | The Artist and the City
Ugo La Pietra solo show, curated by Flaminio Gualdoni 16 Mar - 16 May 2023 Genova, Milano UGO LA PIETRA THE ARTIST AND THE CITY curated by Flaminio Gualdoni Opening: thursday 16 march 2023 16 march – 15 may 2023 ABC-ARTE, Genoa At 18:30 hours on Thursday 16 March ABC-ARTE will inaugurate in Genoa, a large-scale exhibition, “The Artist and the City” , dedicated to the work... Read more -
Jerry Zeniuk. How to Paint
Jerry Zeniuk solo show curated by Flaminio Gualdoni, with critical contribution by Claudia Rajlich 15 Dec 2022 - 1 Mar 2023 Genova, Milano Jerry Zeniuk solo show at ABC-ARTE . The first significant presence of Zeniuk in Italy, which also marks the start of the official representation of the artist by ABC-ARTE, Read more -
Zoe Williams. Capital Vice
solo show by Zoe Williams, curated by Luca Bochicchio with critical contribution by Caterina Avataneo and the collaboration of Paola Gargiulo 23 Sep - 26 Nov 2022 Zoe Williams solo show at ABC-ARTE Read more -
Alan Bee. Paintings.
Alan Bee solo show 15 Jun - 15 Sep 2022 Alan Bee solo show at ABC-ARTE, curated by Flaminio Gualdoni with critical contribution by Luca Bochicchio Read more -
Michele Zaza. Absolute traveller
Michele Zaza solo show 5 Apr - 4 Jun 2022 Michele Zaza. Absolute traveller
On 5 April ABC-ARTE in Genoa inaugurate the exhibition Michele Zaza. Absolute traveller.
The exhibition will be accompanied by a new bilingual monograph published by ABC-ARTE with essays by the curator Flaminio Gualdoni and a richly illustrated ensemble of images. Read more -
Towards Annunciazione. Nanni Valentini. The final years.
Nanni Valentini solo show 16 Dec 2021 - 5 Mar 2022 On 16 December 2021 ABC-ARTE in Genoa inaugurate the exhibition Towards Annunciazione. Nanni Valentini. The final years. (The event will be held live, respecting the anti-Covid-19 regulations.)
The exhibition will be accompanied by a new bilingual monograph published by ABC-ARTE with essays by the curators Flaminio Gualdoni and Luca Bochicchio and a richly illustrated ensemble of images made available by the Nanni Valentini Archive. Read more -
Arnaldo Pomodoro. To scratch, draw, write
solo show by Arnaldo Pomodoro, curated by Flaminio Gualdoni 20 May - 14 Oct 2021 Solo show of Arnaldo Pomodoro. To scratch, draw, write. curated by Flaminio Gualdoni with critical contribution by Michele Robecchi and Federico Giani. The exhibition, a joint initiative with the Arnaldo Pomodoro Foundation and patronized by the Genoa Local Authority, will present some thirty important sculptures from the late 1950s to the present, reconstructing the long and passionate adventure of the artist in tracing inscrutable signs that become protagonists of the surface and of the form. Read more -
MAKE IT NEW ! Tomas Rajlich and the abstract art in Italy
Tomas Rajlich retrospective show at Museo di Arte Contemporanea Villa Croce of Genoa 4 May - 22 Aug 2021 Tomas Rajlich retrospective show in dialogue with certain key works of Italian masters of abstract art : Getulio Alviani, Rodolfo Aricò, Agostino Bonalumi, Enzo Cacciola, Antonio Calderara, Nicola Carrino, Gianni Colombo, Pietro Consagra, Dadamaino, Piero Dorazio, Lucio Fontana, Marco Gastini, Giorgio Griffa, Riccardo Guarneri, Paolo Icaro, Osvaldo Licini, Piero Manzoni, Fausto Melotti, Bruno Munari, Martino Oberto, Claudio Olivieri, Arnaldo Pomodoro, Mauro Reggiani, Antonio Scaccabarozzi, Paolo Scheggi, Turi Simeti, Atanasio Soldati, Giuseppe Uncini, Nanni Valentini, Claudio Verna, Gianfranco Zappettini . Read more -
Giorgio Griffa. Un mondo astratto non basta
Giorgio Griffa solo show 26 Feb - 24 Apr 2021 Giorgio Griffa solo show. Catalogue with an interview-dialogue between Leonardo Caffo and Giorgio Griffa and a critical essay by Alberto Fiz
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Tomas Rajlich: Black Paintings 1976-79
Tomas Rajlich solo show 8 Oct 2020 - 6 Feb 2021 Tomas Rajlich solo show with catalogue curated by Michele Robecchi and critical contribution by Flaminio Gualdoni. Read more -
Fabio Tasso SYSTĒMA
Fabio Tasso solo show. Winnerd of the "special award ABC-ARTE" at Arteam Cup 2019 26 Jun - 25 Jul 2020 Mostra personale di Fabio Tasso a cura di Luca Bochicchio Read more -
Where the unmeasurable meets the measurable. Alan Bee, Paolo Iacchetti, Tomas Rajlich, Nanni Valentini
Group show with Alan Bee, Paolo Iacchetti, Tomas Rajlich and Nanni Valentini 17 Jan - 22 Jun 2020 Group show with Alan Bee, Paolo Iacchetti, Tomas Rajlich and Nanni Valentini. Curated by Flaminio Gualdoni Read more -
Nanni Valentini | The interspace between the visible and the tactile
Anthological exhibition dedicated to Nanni Valentini 5 Oct 2019 - 5 Jan 2020 ABC-ARTE is dedicating a large retrospective to the three-dimensional work of Nanni Valentini (1932-1985), one of the most singular and lively personalities in the artistic explorations of the postwar period. The title ‘The space between the visible and the tactile’ is taken from a text by the artist published in 1975. Read more -
Absolute Painting. Giorgio Griffa, Tomas Rajlich and Jerry Zeniuk
Group show with Griffa, Rajlich and Zeniuk in ABC-ARTE 3 May - 10 Sep 2019 At 18:30 hrs on Friday 3 May the ABC-ARTE Gallery will inaugurate with the patronge of Genoa Municipality, a large-scale exhibition with works by Giorgio Griffa, Tomas Rajlich and Jerry Zeniuk, entitled Absolute Painting. It presents a fundamental nucleus of works that bear witness to the development of three relevant artists from the Analitycal Painting. Read more -
Other Identity
Altre forme di identità culturali e pubbliche - seconda edizione 9 - 23 Mar 2019 Mostra collettiva, evento internazionale d’arte contemporanea (Fotografia - Installazioni - New Media Art - Videoarte - Electronic Music), con il patrocinio della Regione Liguria e Comune di Genova. Read more -
Carlo Nangeroni. The domain of light
Solo show di Carlo Nangeroni in ABC-ARTE 26 Oct 2018 - 16 Feb 2019 At 18:30 hrs on Friday 26 October the ABC-ARTE Gallery will inaugurate with the patronge of Genoa Municipality, a large-scale exhibition of the work of Carlo Nangeroni, entitled The Domain of Light. It presents a fundamental nucleus of works that bear witness to the development of a singular abstract language based on the rhythmic and luminous modulations of circular figures. Read more -
Tomas Rajlich | Fifty years of Painting
Anthological exhibition of Tomas Rajlich in ABC-ARTE 4 May - 15 Sep 2018 On Friday May 4th ABC-ARTE gallery opens a wide exhibition dedicated to Tomas Rajlich, to celebrate his half a century of painting. Works made between the Sixties and today will be exposed, a proper selection to show the audience a complete vision over his career. Read more -
Luca Serra, curated by Flaminio Gualdoni 26 Jan - 14 Apr 2018 On Friday, January 26 at 6:30pm, ABC-ARTE is pleased to present 'A ñi l ', Luca Serra 's exhibition, Italian artist who has chosen to live in Spain for many years. The new exhibition, curated by Flaminio Gualdoni, features a cycle of unpublished works. It is about twenty paintings executed... Read more -
Isabella Nazzarri curated by Daniele Capra and critical contribution by Leonardo Caffo 26 Oct 2017 - 5 Jan 2018 On Thursday, October 26 at 6:30pm, ABC-ARTE is pleased to present 'Clinamen ', Isabella Nazzarri 's first exhibition in the gallery. The exhibition, curated by Daniele Capra, features over twenty works synthesizing the artist's research over the last two years, ranging from paintings on canvas to sculptures made of composite... Read more -
Shelters and Libraries
Adalberto Abbate, Gaetano Cunsolo e Davide D'Elia curated by Pietro Gaglianò 22 Jun - 6 Oct 2017 On Thursday June 22nd, at 6.30pm, with the artists and curator, ABC-ARTE will open Shelters and Libraries, collective exhibition of Adalberto Abbate, Gaetano Cunsolo and Davide D'Elia, curated by Pietro Gaglianò. The exhibition, patronized by the Municipality of Genoa, will stay open until October 6th 2017. The opening night will... Read more -
Bernard Aubertin pictorial situation of red
Works from sixties and seventies 10 Mar - 15 May 2017 Friday 10th March at 6.30 p.m., ABC -ARTE inaugurates the personal exhibition of Bernard Aubertin. The exhibition is curated by Flaminio Gualdoni with a critical contribution by Dominique Stella and will be open until 28 April 2017. Sponsored by the municipality of Genoa, and by the Institut Français-Italia the retrospective... Read more -
Isabella Nazzarri | VITA DELLE FORME
curata da Ivan Quaroni 3 Dec 2016 - 11 Jan 2017 On Saturday December the 3rd 2016, 6.30 pm, C2 Contemporanea opens, in collaboration with ABC-ARTE, the new solo exhibition by Isabella Nazzarri: Life of Forms, curated by Ivan Quaroni. In 1943, the year Henri Focillon published Vie des Formes, form was already considered not as a sign conveying a meaning,... Read more -
curated by Alberto Fiz - Critical contribution by Lorenzo Bruni 11 Nov 2016 - 3 Feb 2017 ABC-ARTE opens the new solo exhibition by Matteo Negri: “Piano Piano / Slowly but Surely” curated by Alberto Fiz and with a critical essay by Lorenzo Bruni Read more -
UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE curated by Ivan Quaroni
THE ABSTRACTION AFTER THE ABSTRACTION 14 Jun - 23 Sep 2016 Uncertainty Principle, curated by Ivan Quaroni . Paolo Bini, Isabella Nazzarri , Matteo Negri, Patrick Tabarelli , Viviana Valla and Giulio Zanet. ABC-ARTE , Genova Italy. Six artists of the Millennium generation rethink the code of abstract representation, occupying the Genoa's art gallery spaces with polysemous signs and gestures, between expanded painting, sculpture and environmental installation.
Uncertainty principle studies the birth of a new abstract and polysemous sensitivity, expressed through a variety of mediums: painting, sculpture and installation, in discontinuity with the classic abstraction codes, geometrical, informal or analytical. The curator Ivan Quaroni identified six artists, born between 1979 and 1987, who developed a mainly aniconic language, even if there are cases where the relationship with figurative styles haven’t been completely cut off. What distinguishes this group of artists is the recognition of the basic ambiguity of visual language and, therefore, the final dismissal of the dichotomy between abstraction and representation, a legacy from the past.
In 1986, the American abstract painter Jonathan Lasker wrote: “I’m seeking subject matter, not abstraction.” Lasker thought Abstraction was dead with Frank Stella's Black Paintings, so he imagined painting as representing marginal topics like memory, presence, matter, transcendence and the mix between high and low art. In addition to these topics, felt as crucial nowadays, the post-abstraction by the Millennials, shaped by the exponential growing of information and digital technology, reflects on the individual’s position during image creation and fruition processes.
The channels and timings of perception in painting (as well as in sculpture and installation), was a central matter in the avant-garde research by Zero Group and Azimut and analytical painters during the Seventies. What appears as a distinctive factor in these studies is that they all come from individual experiences.
The title Uncertainty principle refers to the epistemological consequences of Heisemberg’s theory in scientific research. It becomes an excuse to underline the radical subjectivity of the artistic studies by the Y generation and, at the same time, it highlights how this subjectivity crosses codified limitations, to get into a syntactic and casual, ambiguous and undetermined dimension.
Paolo Bini (Battipaglia, 1984) translates physical and mental landscapes in abstract chromatic units, based on pixels and scanner or plotter timings. The artist paints on paper strips, then mounted on boards and canvases (or walls), to create images characterized by a parallel, rhythmical and chromatic partition. With paintings, installations and paint-sculptures, Bini builds a lyrical and personal variation of pattern painting, where geometrical precision and gestural urgency of abstract expressionism coexist peacefully. The works by Isabella Nazzarri (Livorno, 1987) are inspired by phyto-morphic and anato-morphic forms. Using an organic and perpetually changing alphabet, she expresses memories, intuitions and mental images, incomprehensible in any other way. The artist gets inspiration from the classification of anatomical and herbal tables to build a world of evocative and fluctuating pictograms, obtained crossing mental structures with natural morphologies. For this occasion, Nazzarri realized a big mural painting on the gallery ceiling, a concentric and crowded genesis of alien organisms, echoing the codified forms of her great canvas paintings and watercolor papers. Matteo Negri’s (San Donato Milanese, 1982) research focuses on plastic substances in an eclectic way, in combination with stone and ceramic, metal and resin, creating pop shapes and colors for an immediate expressive efficiency. His varied production centers on the division between form and meaning, a short circuit of aesthetic content and substance. This is the case of Kamigami Box, big irregular boxes showing internal surfaces covered with mirroring steel. The surfaces reflect the Lego constructions on the sculpture’s base ad infinitum, giving the impression of a limitless urban settlement. Together with a new Kamigami, the artist shows a piece of furniture, containing many, small unexpected surprises. The mechanisms of creation and image fruition are at the center of Patrick Tabarelli’s (Verona, 1979) work.
His works drive the observer towards a kind of perceptive uncertainty, thanks to their formal ambiguity. His paintings are made of flat, almost digital surfaces, or are crossed by dynamic and minimal oscillations, in contrast with the gestural origins of his style. Recently, his works focused on the construction of drawing machines, digital hardware and software for the production of surfaces, which look like hand-painted. So, the ambiguity between author and work emerges once again. Viviana Valla (Voghera, 1986) elaborates the language of geometrical abstraction through unconventional substances, like recovery papers, post-it, scotch and fragments of printed images. She invents an intimate dimension with the realization of a mysterious and enigmatic visual diary. Her works are partially hidden by various layers of acrylic chalk and develop a geometrical structure monochromatically imperfect, where clear areas alternate with surfaces showing how
color dissolves into brushes and fragmentary modules. Giulio Zanet (Colleretto Castelnuovo, 1984) reports moments of everyday life, reflections and considerations over the nature of experience, without using recognizable forms or narrative approaches. His pictorial language is based on a process of formal abstraction: it is impossible to objectify thoughts ad emotions. His works show uncertain shapes, segments, repetitions. The locked motif of decoration is fused with a free and gestural, rough and imperfect disposition. These shapes find a vital expressive impulse in its fragile balance between rules and transgression. In the exhibition, there are many works breaking the picture’s usual structure, invading the gallery walls and floors, like fragments of an expanded painting located into the environmental space.
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Matteo Negri | Splendid Villa with Garden, Charming Views
curated by Daniele Capra, Casa Testori, Novate Milanese. 21 May - 15 Oct 2016 Matteo Negri Splendid villa with garden, charming views Curated by Daniele Capra Six site specific pieces of sculpture for the ground floor and garden of the house in Novate Milanese. Splendid villa with garden, charming views is a solo exhibition by Matteo Negri. A project of great visual impact, it... Read more -
Yasuo Sumi solo show curated by Flaminio Gualdoni 18 Feb - 27 May 2016 In 2008 ABC-ARTE organized and promoted the perfomance by Master Shozo Shimamoto at Palazzo Ducale and his exhibition, curated by Achille Bonito Oliva, at the Museum of Contemporary Arts, Villa Croce in Genoa.
Now, ABC-ARTE will inaugurate the exhibition Yasuo Sumi | Nothing but the future, curated by Flaminio Gualdoni. Read more -
Giulio Zanet | Still Nothing
Giulio Zanet, curated by Ivan Quaroni 12 - 30 Jan 2016 ABC-ARTE Contemporary art gallery, in partnership with MARYLING, continues the series of exhibitions by young and emerging contemporary artists in the multi-purpose space, Piazza Gae Aulenti 1 inaugurated in July. The fifth planned exhibition, proposed by ABC-ARTE and organised by Ivan Quaroni, will open on Friday January 12th: Still Nothing by the artist Giulio Zanet Read more -
Matteo Negri | Multiplicity
Matteo Negri, curated by Ivan Quaroni 2 - 29 Dec 2015 ABC-ARTE Contemporary art gallery, in partnership with MARYLING, continues the series of exhibitions by young and emerging contemporary artists in the multi-purpose space, Piazza Gae Aulenti 1 inaugurated in July. The fourth planned exhibition, proposed by ABC-ARTE and curated by Ivan Quaroni, will open on Wednesday December 2nd: Multiplicity by the artist Matteo Negri. Read more -
Sight Unseen
Viviana Valla: solo show, curated by Ivan Quaroni 28 Oct - 20 Nov 2015 ABC-ARTE Contemporary art gallery, in partnership with MARYLING, continues the series of exhibitions by young and emerging contemporary artists in the multi-purpose space, Piazza Gae Aulenti 1 inaugurated in July. The third planned exhibition, proposed by ABC-ARTE and organised by Ivan Quaroni, will open on Wednesday October 28th: Sight Unseen by the artist Viviana Valla Read more -
Giorgio Griffa - To relieve the world
Giorgio Griffa: solo Show, curated by Ivan Quaroni 8 Oct 2015 - 15 Jan 2016 To relieve the world, solo show with the patronage of Genoa Municipality, is the homage to Giorgio Griffa by ABC-ARTE Gallery
The title is a philosophical concept deduced from Arnold Gehlen.
The exhibition, curated by Ivan Quaroni, shows twenty works dated from 1968 to 1978, a crucial period full of important discoveries and experiments. Read more -
Patrick Tabarelli, curated by Ivan Quaroni 17 Sep - 10 Oct 2015 ABC-ARTE Contemporary art gallery, in partnership with MARYLING, continues the series of exhibitions by young and emerging contemporary artists in the multi-purpose space, Piazza Gae Aulenti 1 inaugurated in July. The second planned exhibition, proposed by ABC-ARTE and curated by Ivan Quaroni, will open on Tuesday September 8th: Ubiquity by the artist Patrick Tabarelli. Read more -
Behind the visible
Paolo Bini solo show, curated by Ivan Quaroni 16 Jul - 30 Aug 2015 External Exhibition on MARYLING space at 1, Square Gae Aulenti - Milano, opens the doors to the exhibitions of young and emerging artists, already known in the field of contemporary art. The first planned exhibition, proposed by ABC-ARTE and organised by Ivan Quaroni, will open on Thursday July 16th: Behind the visible by the artist Paolo Bini. Read more -
All that's missing is you
Mauro Vignando: solo show, curated by Milovan Farronato 2 Jul - 25 Sep 2015 Mauro Vignando: solo show curated by Milovan Farronato. Can the subject’s disappearance create an image? Can the loss of an emotion or an object and the consequent confusion make the landscape free, more than a simple background? These are some of the questions faced by “All That’s Missing Is You”, solo exhibition by the artist Mauro Vignando (Pordenone, 1969) at the ABC-ARTE gallery, Genoa. Read more -
The painting itself
Ulrich Erben, Claude Viallat and Pino Pinelli. Curated by Dominique Stella 18 Apr - 12 Jun 2015 When painting itself becomes the object of painting, it is not aimed to represent, evoke or express anymore. Its only aim is itself and the fact it does exists on its own as applied, contrasted colour, as substance bringing light, shade and tone on the canvas or any other support able to show it up. Painting is defined through its own purposes, it is not a medium anymore. It has become content itself. Read more -
LIGHT TREK - Nanda Vigo /works 1963 - 2014
Nanda Vigo: solo Show, curated by Dominique Stella 10 Nov 2014 - 13 Feb 2015 This show has returned to major themes Nanda Vigo has worked on during her career, from her earliest works in the 1960s (Chronotops) to her most recent (Deep Space), the first variations of which she showed in 2013. The title "LIGHT TREK" suggests the trajectory of light that has always guided her and which is represented in the exhibition by four emblematic works: 1) The Chronotops of the '60s, which are today shown at the Guggenheim Museum in New York as part of the exhibition 'ZERO: Countdown to Tomorrow, 1950s '60s' from October 10th to January 7th, 2015; 2) the Light Trees that provided her with one of her major research directions during the '80s, and which served as a period of transition in which technology and poetry were brought together to best express vital forces and the aspiration to verticality typical of trees; 3) the works that go under the name Light Progressions, from a project undertaken at the start of the 1990s and which still results in variations today: these Light Progressions link "chronotopic" principles to her research into the symbolism of signs in a strongly visual work that makes use of light; 4) and, lastly, the works in the cycle Deep Space that have appeared only recently. Through their directional triangulation and nuanced radiation, they create an impression of immateriality that seems to project them into interstellar space.
The exhibition illustrates Nanda Vigo's creative power, which, in undergoing continuous renewal remote from stereotypes since the 1960s, has produced a considerable body of work that has influenced a generation of artists and designers with its originality and exemplary nature. Her unusual practice brings together the immaterial elements of light and its reflections, transparency and subjective illusion. Always in the artistic vanguard, Nanda Vigo has worked with many of the most noteworthy people in the art world, while remaining faithful to her goals. She strives to go beyond the need for technological contingencies, which she employs at the highest levels, achieving a high degree of immateriality in order to do away with all concept of matter and to achieve a philosophical and spiritual ideal of nature. In consequence, her work addresses our centres of sensorial perception as vectors of mental and psychological information. She has always preferred experimentation and the exploration of new paths: performances, installations and happenings are part of her artistic language, in parallel to her practice of architecture, which in turn led her towards design. Her work reveals the essence of form and light, from which she conjures up unique, timeless works that defy aesthetic definition: works that, due to their radiance, are able to interact with the invisible vibrations of the world.
On occasion of the exhibition has been published the art book "LIGHT TREK", edited by Nanda Vigo and containing Dominique Stella's text and images of the works in exhibition. Read more -
Against Parmenides
Curated by Ivan Quaroni, it will feature Agostino Bergamaschi, Andrea Bruschi and Francesca Schgor. 19 Sep - 31 Oct 2014 Our exhibition's program continues with a brief exchange between historicized artists and new generations, presenting "Against Parmenides": open from September 25th to October 31st and curated by Ivan Quaroni, it will feature Agostino Bergamaschi, Andrea Bruschi and Francesca Schgor. Read more -
Massimo Kaufmann, Shozo Shimamoto, Hermann Nitsch, Yang Maoyuan e Matteo Negri 5 Jun - 11 Jul 2014 In this collective, works from the recent past of ABC-ARTE will dialogue with works related to the latter years of the gallery at the new offices in Via XX Settembre, 11A. Read more -
Un pallino in testa
Massimo Kaufmann, Garbriele Picco, Roberto Pietrosanti e Matteo Negri 17 Dec 2013 - 27 Feb 2014 Four artists, united by the repeated use of the geometry of the circle on an abstract space, in a close dialogue that has taken place among orthogonal signs, perpetual volumes and modular portions in relief, express their creativity in a free choice of colors and different formal solutions. Read more -
A supposedly fun thing I'll never do again
A supposedly fun thing I'll never do again / Exhibition catalogue with critical reviews by Viana Conti, Milovan Farronato, arch. Carlo Berio, Gerardo Bonomo and an interview with Luca Fiore 21 Dec 2012 - 9 Jun 2013 The title of the Matteo Negri solo show, in ABC-ARTE, quotes the corrosive reportage by David Foster Wallace about the typology of the average American man's holidays in the Caribbean.
There is a strong playful component in the work by Matteo Negri (Milan 1982), which goes from sculpture, art installations and photography, together with an intense thinking of the human subject form childhood to the adult age. This work is completed by an eclectic selection of plastic substances, ceramics, bronze and resin. Read more -
Colors on Stage
Shozo Shimamoto, Hermann Nitsch, Georges Mathieu, Marcello Lo Giudice, Yang Maoyuan 19 Jun - 2 Dec 2012 Colors on stage pointed the attention on great storicized avant-guard artists, such as Shozo Shimamoto, Hermann Nitsch, George Mathieu and contemporary artists like Marcello Lo Giudice, Yang Maoyuan, celebrating the spectacular use of the pigment and colours
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Yang Maoyuan solo show 1 Oct 2011 - 17 May 2012 Antonio Borghese's ABC-ARTE, after opening with Marcello Lo Giudice / EARTH ARTIST, presented the second exhibition in its new expositive space in via XX settembre, Genoa: Yang Maoyuan / A LOULAN CITIZEN. Read more -
Marcello Lo Giudice / EARTH ARTIST
Marcello Lo Giudice: solo show 27 May - 18 Oct 2011 Antonio Borghese's ABC-ARTE was pleased to disclose its new expositive space with the exhibition: Marcello Lo Giudice / EARTH ARTIST.
ABC-ARTE's new and prestigious expositive space (almost 300 sq.m) is at the first floor of the building of the Consolation church convent, which also houses the Oriental Market, and it overlooks, by an old window lined balcony, on Via XX Settembre. Read more -
Shozo Shimamoto / Samurai, acrobat of the sight
Shozo Shimamoto solo show 13 Nov 2008 - 8 Mar 2009 From 13rd November 2008 to 8th March 2009, Villa Croce Contemporary Art Museum hosted a personal exhibition dedicated to the Japanese artist Shozo Shimamoto. The initiative curator is Achille Bonito Oliva, and the project was organized by Antonio Borghese. Read more -
Organized by ABC-ARTE and Antonio Borghese 13 Nov 2008 On Novembre 13rd 2008, at 2.00 o' clock, Genoa Palazzo Ducale became the set of spectacular performance by japaneese Master Shozo Shimamoto, organized by ABC-ARTE. Read more -
Marco Lodola solo show 14 Jun - 15 Oct 2007 From 14th June to 15th September 2007, the prestigious Galatian Maritime Museum hosted an exhibition by Pavia artist, Marco Lodola, who showcased his most important works: from his first, luminous perspex from the 1980s right up to his present-day pieces, dedicated to the sea and the maritime world. Read more