curated by Ivan Quaroni
Antonio Borghese, Ivan Quaroni, 2015
Bilingual edition
TO RELIEVE THE WORLD. Giorgio Griffa: curated by Ivan Quaroni
Publisher: ABC-ARTE S.r.l
Dimensions: 26,5x19,2
Pages: 96
ISBN: 9788895618081
€ 28.00

ABC-ARTE confirms its interest in great avant-gardes works and movements through masters of painting and colour like Giorgio Griffa, one the leading artists in Abstractism.


The title of the exhibition, “To relieve the world”, refers to the philosophical - anthropological element in the work of this artist. His signs are the basics of thought and action. They are the result of a relief process, which makes sources of possible meanings and senses available to continuous human interpretations. 


His way of painting is much different from other artists belonging to Anallytcal Painting. Dominating in Europe by the end of the Sixties. This movement brought a new sensitivity, free from the previous years’ rules, using essential elements: colour, space and composition. 


After his first strictly figurative experience, Griffa moved towards a progressive dispossession, without passing through abstract art. He started with his not-figurative works. The choice of ‘not-to-finish’ will constantly appear in his works of art. 


In this exposition, The primary signs (1968 – 1978), the artist expresses himself through simple and synthetic signs, never idealized. They embody the “talent of substance” and show more universal than personalised features. 


The canvases are stretcher-free and ready to conquer space. This immediate, essential and brilliant way of representation signs and keeps alive the human memory through painting. It is a trait d’union between present and past knowledge. 


Giorgio Griffa remembers those years he worked close to the Arte Poveraartists: “The talent of substance was not used as a tool to make new formal  and inevitable syntheses, but it became the main element of our work, the artist’s hand at its service. “